So yes today is Valentines Day, a day I used to cringe, just want to curl under the bed, to fast forward the day. Well even though I have a love, I wouldn't oppose on skipping this day. Not because I'm not in love, or that I don't believe in love; to me you should love each other every day. It doesn't have to be romantic all the time but love should be shown daily. Why do we have to wait till Valentines day to get flowers, candy and a nice dinner? It's expensive to wine and dine for one day and many people struggle financially which places them with an additional burden. I know about this first hand. Valentines doesn't have to be expensive. I would rather attend my love at home by dressing the table for two, (even if its paper plates) have the in expensive wine chilling with glasses ready, cook a delicious meal (Aldi's to the rescue) and desert. Well of course desert is served after dinner, in the bedroom with Marvin Gaye, Sexual Healing playing (you will never go wrong with Marvin Gaye) in the background, dim the lights, on the bed there would be a heart made out of rose petals, side note: you can pick up a bag of rose petals at the dollar store..yes I'm going on the cheap side. You need to pick and choose your battles when it comes to your finances. You sex him up with a final massage with oils until he's knocked out! Nighty Night!
Well thats what I would have done for my love but instead I bought him an emoji pillow because he is constantly sending that particular pic via text and a box of chocolates.

I thought my gift was a great gift, he loves to text me the emoji and he loves chocolates. My honey arrived and to my surprise he bought me flowers, took me to dinner and gave me a gift certificate to take my car to the shop for an automatic starter to be installed! I was taken back. I wanted to jump an click my heels. I told him thank you and that I appreciate it but that its expensive and as much as I appreciate it that he did not have to buy me the gifts. He said that he knows how much I don't like the cold and he just wanted me warm. I threw on my sexy high heel boots that zipped up to my knees and a blue top that hugged my curvy shape and off we went to eat dinner. We had reservations to a place called La Esperanza it's a Mexican Restaurant. The place was packed, the food was very good and the Margarita's were delicious. I would definitely go there again. We came home and I served dessert! Nighty Night!
I hope everyone had a great Valentines Day, hopefully as much as we did!